Privacy Policy

 TubePay Privacy Policy

  • Data Collection : 

  1. Users needs to provide their Email Address to use the app.

  • Data Use : 

  1. We use the Email Address to link the in-app progress and to authenticate.

  • Data Disposal : 

  1. We are ready to close any account on the User Demand and delete every data.

  • Data Privacy : 

  1. We do not use your email to send news letters or and types of information.


  1. I want my account deactivated

  2. لماذا لم احصل على مكافاتي

  3. Hi how i transfer my money here to my gcash number..or how i transfer earn money here to my paypal account

  4. why can't I check in and why after I watched the video my points weren't taken. To the developer to solve the problem I'm experiencing.

  5. Kenapa WD pertama saya belum masuk ke akun PayPal saya

  6. Ive watched about 20 videos. No end of add daily log in & still I have no points/ coins.!!! What's wrong with my game. Can someone fix it please. ☹️

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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